Female Fronted Indie-Folk-Rock band with 3/4 size classical guitar
"sprightly and pleasing blend of contemporary singer-songwriter and folk stylings." Rock-n-Reel, 2013 F.e.m.a.l.e. .F.r.o.n.t.e.d. .I.n.d.i.e. .F.o.l.k. .R.o.c.k. .w.i.t.h. .3/4. .s.i.z.e. .c.l.a.s.s.i.c.a.l. .g.u.i.t.a.r. "Sonically superb" BunkFest Main Stage, 2016 "Confident and punchy acoustic rock presence." Rock-n-Reel, 2016.
for more info/bookings or to join the mailing list, email Lucy at
Mini EP: "All Gone Bad"
Official launch June 2023.
This song "All Gone Bad" was written in the lead up to Rosie playing
Glastonbury Festival 2023 in the Science Futures part of the Green Futures Field
- joined here by a selection of environmental and climate themed songs.
Third Album: "Folk Pixie"
Official launch 1st May 2020.
"This is me" album. Solo and acoustic spanning the oldest to newest songs and
the favourites in between, plus some lovely covers that I've been gigging
forever and can't believe I never recorded before.
Recorded live at
Challow Park Studios.
Click album picture for more details
Early limited postal release December 2nd 2019 ( 8*, limited availability).
Buy physical albums using paypal (or cheque) by emailing
and specifying:
- your paypal email address
- which album(s) you want to buy
- where you want them sent.
*Prices include p&p in UK and purchase is subject to availability.
Second Album: "Battlestorm"
Early postal release January 18th 2016.
Official launch 27th February 2016.
The first Rosie Eade Band album - telling of the many real battles and conflicts, emotional
and physical, faced in both our modern and historical lives; heartfelt stories
brought to life by Rosie and her band mates.
Recorded at
Challow Park Studios.
Click album picture for sample tracks and more details
Full length CD album, 12*.